Mrs Packletide’s Tiger Class 10th | English Chapter 2 Summary, Study Material

Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger’ is a satire on the vanity of women who go to extremes to show their superiority over their rivals. Mrs Packletide wanted to shoot a tiger only to prove that she was no less that Loona Bimberton who had carried eleven miles in an airplane and continued to boast about it. Though she ‘killedi a tiger yet she had to pay the heavy price to satisfy her vanity.


Chapter-2 Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger



Saki, the story writer, was born in 1870 and passed away in 1916. His real name was Hector Munro, a British author. He is known for his witty and satirical stories, most of which have surprise endings.

‘Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger’ is a satire on the vanity of women who go to extremes to show their superiority over their rivals. Mrs. Packletide wanted to shoot a tiger only to prove that she was no less that Loona Bimberton who had carried eleven miles in an airplane and continued to boast about it. Though she ‘killedi a tiger yet she had to pay the heavy price to satisfy her vanity.

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