Our site ImperialStudy.Com is an educational website meant for students to find the best study material online. We provide you with the best chapter notes, sample papers, online quizzes, NCERT solutions and everything that a student would need to become a bright one. Our aim is not to make study easier for the students, but to make the students perfect in their studies. There are a lot of challenges waiting for today’s students. We help you in overcoming these challenges by helping you in clearing your base study i.e. scholar study.
Our site serves the following features:
Clearing the concepts:-
The whole study system is based on the concepts. If concepts remain unclear, then it becomes a big problem in the future. There are many incidents about children going to famous coaching’s for higher study preparation and ending up back to their own hometowns because their base concepts were not clear. This wastes time and money.
So we help you by providing the easiest language in clearing your concepts and provide options to contact us if you still find any difficulty in understanding them.
Best chapter notes:-
Our chapter notes are not quick revision notes but they contain everything you would need to know about the whole chapter- from basic concepts to extra points, all in an easy language. We assure you that you won’t feel the need to look at the NCERT once you read our notes because we won’t miss anything.
PDFs available:-
Besides reading online notes, you can also download them in PDF format. Our PDFs are easy to understand and provide user-friendly language. It would be easy to understand and print the notes, solutions and sample papers and we provide these absolutely free of cost.
Online PDF store:-
As mentioned above, most of the PDFs are free of cost. However, there are some special ones which will be provided in our PDF store by charging a small amount of fee. This is not because we want business but because we have really filled these PDFs with something that you will rarely find. However, we provide lowest prices and at times we provide discounts.
Best sample papers:-
We have the best collection of sample papers as well as previous year question papers with solutions which we provide absolutely free to the students so that they can practice well before exams.
Online quizzes:-
There is no easier way to boost your knowledge than trying our fun online quizzes which are not only a great pastime but also a great way to test your knowledge over various subjects and topics.
At the end, we conclude that this site is totally meant for an educational purpose and if you have any queries, questions, suggestions or complaints regarding our website then you can contact us or send us an email (contact information could be found on ‘Contact us’ page). We would like to hear your views and surely reply to each of your emails.
You can also help us by donations on the ‘Donate us’ page as well as send us suggestions or changes through your valuable emails. If you wish to join our team then you can ask us through an e-mail only if you wish to work really for helping on our website. Please have a look at the ‘Join us’ section of ‘Contact us’ page for more info.
Emails :-
For Any Bug: admin@imperialstudy.com
Our Team Mails
Shivam Varshney :- shivam@imperialstudy.com
Pranav Kul :- Pranav@imperialstudy.com
Yash Gupta :- Yash@imperialstudy.com