Home Classes Class 10th Notes Of Resources And Development Geography Class 10th

Notes Of Resources And Development Geography Class 10th


Resources and Development

1 Resource

  • Everything available in our earth which can be used to satisfy our needs.
  • It is technologically accessible, economically jeasible and culturally acceptable.

Classification Of Resources

On The Basis Of Origin, Resources Are Classified In Two Groups:

  1. Biotic: The resources which are found in the biosphere and have life example flora and fauna.
  2. Abiotic: Composed of non living things. Example: Rock, metals.

On The Basis Of Exhaustibility:

  1. Renewable Resources: The resources which can be renewed or reproduce. Example: water and solar energy.
  2. Non-Renewable Resources: Those resources which cannot be renewed or replenished easily. Formation takes place million of year. Example: fossil fuels, minerals

On The Basis Of Ownership:

  1. Individual Resources: Resources and privately by individual. Example: land by farmer.
  2. Community Owned Resources: Resources which are accessible to all the members of community of playground burial ground.
  3. National Resources: The resources which belong to a nation easy roadway Railway ocean water 12 nautical miles (22.3 km)
  4. International Resources: The resources which do not belongs to a particular Nation. Eg: Ocean resources beyond 200 km.

On The Basis Of States Of Development:

  1. Potential Resources: The resources which are founded in a region but have not been utilized. Eg: Wind and solar energy in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
  2. Development Resources: The resources which are survey and their quality and quantity are determined. Eg: Tree in forest
  3. Stock: The resources which have the potential to satisfy the human needs. But human do not have the technology to use them. Eg: Water (hydrogen, oxygen)
  4. Reserve: The resources which can be put in the use with the help of technology. But they are use has not been started. Eg: Hydro electricity from water.


2 Sustainable Economic Development:

Development should take place without damaging the environment

First Earth summit-> Rio de Janeiro in 1992


3 Resource Planning

It is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use of resources.


Importance Of Resource Planning In India

  • India has great diversity in the availability of resources
  • Some region or self-sufficient while some other reasons has a shortage of resources. Eg: Jharkhand mineral resources, Rajasthan- no water resources.
  • A balance resource planning is necessary


Resource Planning Ways

  • Identification of resources by surveying, mapping, etc
  • Making a planning structure with the help of technology
  • Matching the resource development plans with National Development plan
  • Conservation of resources-importance
  • Resources are necessary for any development activity
  • Overutilization and irrational consumption may lead to social economic and environmental problem.
  • To overcome their problems we should conserve them.


Land Resources:

  • Land is the most important natural resource. All the economic activity is performed on land.
  • It supports natural vegetation and animal live human life.
  • It is the finite resources.


Name The Different Relief Features And Their Uses:

  • 43%- Plans (For Agriculture industry)
  • 30%- mountain (water, tourism, ecology)
  • 27%- Plateans (Minerals, Fossil Fuels)


4 Soil As A Resource

  • It is the most important renewable resource.
  • Medium of plant growth and supports different living organisms.

Factors That Help In The Formation Of Soil:

Relief, parent rock, climate, vegetation and other forms of life and time. The natural forces like raining, water, temperature, Wind, glaciers, etc also help.


Classification Of Soil:


Alluvial  Soil:

  • It is the widely spread soil in india and the entire northern plain is made up of this soil.
  • They are deposited by the three important Himalayan river system i.e Ganga, Indus, Brahmaputra
  • According to their age alluvial soil is of two types:

* Khadar (Newer Alluvial)

* Bangar (Older Alluvial)

  • They are very fertile and contain potash, phosphoric acid and lime.
  • Ideal for the cultivation of sugar cane, paddy, wheat, pulses, etc.
  • Areas of alluvial soil are intensely cultivated and densely populated.


Black Soil:

  • Its black in color also known as regur soil.
  • This soil is idea for growing cotton, so it is known as black cotton soil.
  • coelomates and parent rock are the foctors in the formation of black soil.
  • They have the capacity to hold moisture contain lime, potash, etc and poor in phospheric acid contents.
  • They develop deep cracks during summers which help in the content of proper aeration of the soil.
  • Ideal for tea, coffee, cashews, etc.


Laterite soil:

  • The word ‘Laterite’ is derived from the Latin word ‘later’ means brick.
  • It is found in the areas of high temperature and heavy rain fall.
  • Humus content is very low because most of the microorganisms like bacteria get destroyed drying summers.
  • Ideal for growing tree, coffee and cashew nuts.


Arid soils:

  • They are of red to brown in colors.
  • They re sandy and saline.
  • Due to the dry climate and high temperature, the soil lacks of humus and moisture. They are found in the areas like western rajasthan.


Forest soils:

  • Forest soils are found in the hilly and mountainous areas.
  • In the snow covered areas of the Himalayas, the soil experiences denudation.
  • They are acidic and has low humus content.


Soil Erosion:

The denudation of the soil cover and its washing down is known as soil erosion.

  • Human activities that cause soil erosion are deforestation, overgrazing, construction, mining, etc.
  • Natural forces like wind, glaciers and water.



Kinds Of Erosion:

  • Gully Erosion: Running water cuts through the soil and make deep channels. Soil becomes Uncultivable, known as bad.
  • Sheet Erosion: Soil is removed in large areas in the form of sheet.
  • Wind Erosion: Soil is removed at the time of heavy wind.

Measures Taken For Soil Conservation:

  • Contour Ploughing: Ploughing along the contour lines.
  • Terrace Farming: Steps can be cut out on the slopes.
  • Strip Cultivation: Strips of grass are left to grow between the crops.
  • Shelter Belts: Trees are grown in rows.
  • Stabilization of sand lines by planting thorny bushes.


  1. This notes help me so much for learning . But according to ncert there is topic on land resources that is not written in notes.


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