Latest Syllabus Of CBSE NCERT for the Session 2018–19 | 9th To 12th

    CBSE And NCERT syllabus 2017 And 2018
    CBSE And NCERT syllabus 2017 And 2018
    Image Source: SutterStock

    Most Recent CBSE NCERT Syllabus of class 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th for Vocational courses viable for the Academic Session 2017 – 2018 for classes ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth. The Syllabus of class 9 and 10 incorporates an example paper plan for the coming board exam 2018 – 19. The professional subject can be offered as an extra (discretionary) subject in a blend of five center Academic subjects. The CGPA of Class IX and Class X will be figured in view of the review gotten in five scholarly subjects and grade acquired in the professional subject will be reflected in extra (discretionary) subject.


    Download CBSE NCERT Syllabus for class 9, 10, 11, 12 maths, social, science, Hindi, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Home science, Accounts, Business Studies, Economics and all other additional subjects for 2017 – 2018 in PDF format. Syllabus for the classes 6th, 7thand 8th will be decided by the school following CBSE guidelines.

    Syllabus for the Academic Session 2018-19 for Classes IX-X

    Class 9 and Class 10

    Latest CBSE Syllabus 2017 – 2018 for class 9 and 10 following the board exam at the end of the session including full syllabus. The final exam will be of 80 marks. For more details, download following syllabus. Syllabus of class 9th and class 10th are given under the same pdf file.

    Syllabus Effective for the Academic Session 2018-19 for Classes XI-XII

    Class 11 and Class 12

    Latest CBSE NCERT Syllabus 2017 – 2018 for class 11 and class 12. Syllabus of both the classes 11th and 12th are given in combined form in the same file. For example Syllabus of maths contains maths syllabus for both the classes.

    Scheme of Studies

    List of Vocational Courses

    1. Finance, Business and Management Based Courses
    2. Engineering and Technology Based Courses
    3. Health and Wellness Based Courses
    4. Media, Entertainment and Production Based Courses
    5. Agro, Production and Marketing Based Courses
    6. Hospitality and Tourism Based Courses
    7. Applied Physics

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