Multiple Choice Questions [Solved] [1 Marks] of Poverty as a Challenge Class 9th Social Science Economics




Every person in India is poor.

      1. third (b) fourth (c) fifth (d) sixth

Ans. (b)

Vulnerability to poverty is determined by the options for finding an alternative living in terms of

      1. assets (b) education (c) health (d) all the above

Social exclusion denies certain individuals the

      1. facilities (b) benefits (c) opportunities (d) all the above

Ans. (d)

How many people in India live below the poverty line?

      1. 30 crores (b) 26 crores (c) 28 crores (d) 24 crores

Ans. (b)

Which organisation carries out survey for determining the poverty line?

      1. NSSO (b) CSO (c) Planning Commission (d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

Which social group is most vulnerable to poverty in India?

      1. Scheduled castes (b) Scheduled tribes (c) Casual labourers (d) All the above

Ans. (d)

Which two states of India continue to be the poorest states?

      1. Madhya Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir (b) Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand

(c) Orissa, Bihar (d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

Poverty line in rural areas is (As per 1999 – 2000 prices)

(a) Rs 328 (b) Rs. 370 (c) Rs 454 (d) Rs. 460

Ans. (a)

Who are the poorest of the poor?

      1. Women (b) Old people (c) Children (d) All the above

Ans. (d)

What is the poverty ratio in the state of Orissa?

(a) 50% (b) 47% (c) 60% (d) 57%

Ans. (b)

In which state has the high agricultural growth helped to reduce poverty?

      1. Jammu & Kashmir (b) West Bengal (c) Punjab (d) Gujarat

Ans. (c)

In which state have the land reform measures helped to reduce poverty?

      1. Tamil Nadu (b) Punjab (c) West Bengal (d) Kerala

Ans. (c)

Which state has focused more on human resource development?

      1. Gujarat (b) Madhya Pradesh (c) Maharashtra (d) Kerala

Ans. (d)

In which state is the public distribution system responsible for the reduction in poverty?

      1. Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

What is the main cause of poverty in India?

      1. High income inequalities (b) Less job opportunities

(c) High growth in population (d) All the above

Which of the following is responsible for high poverty rates?

      1. Huge income inequalities (b) Unequal distribution of land
  1. Lack of effective implementation of land reforms
  2. All the above

Ans. (d)

In rural areas, which of the following are not poor?

      1. Landless agricultural workers (b) Backward classes

(c) Rural artisans (d) Medium farmers

Ans. (d)

Nutritional level of food energy is expressed in the form of

      1. calories per day (b) wheat consumption

(c) rice consumption per day (d) none of the above

Ans. (a)

As per Planning Commission, minimum daily intake of calories for determining poverty line for rural area is

      1. 2100 (b) 2400 (c) 1500 (d) none of the above

Ans. (b)

Poverty ratio in India as compared to Pakistan is

      1. same (b) half (c) two times (d) two and a half times

Ans. (c)

What are accepted average calories required in India in urban areas? [CBSE 2010]

(a) 2100 (b) 2400 (c) 2800 (d) 2500

Ans. (b)

Who is considered as poor? [CBSE 2010]

      1. A rich landlord (b) A businessman (c) A landless labourer (d) A teacher

Ans. (c)

Which among the following is the method to estimate the poverty line? [CBSE 2010]

      1. Investment method (b) Income method

(c) Capital method (d) Human method

Ans. (b)

Which state has the largest percentage of poors in India? [CBSE 2010]

      1. Bihar (b) Orissa (c) Kerala (d) Punjab

Ans. (b)

When was National Rural Employment Guarantee Act passed? [CBSE 2010]

      1. September 2005 (b) August 2004 (c) May 2009 (d) None of these

Ans. (a)

Who advocated that India would be truly independent only when the poorest of its people become free of human suffering ? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Mahatma Gandhi (b) Indira Gandhi

(c) Jawahar lal Nehru (d) Subhash Chandra Bose

Which of the following programmes was launched in the year 2000? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
      2. Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana
      3. Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna
      4. Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana

Ans. (d)

Who do not come under the category of urban poor? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. The casual workers (b) The unemployed

(c) The shopkeepers (d) Rickshawpullers

Ans. (c)

How many percent of Indian people were poor in the year 2000? [2011 (T-2)]

(a) 36% (b) 46% (c) 26% (d) 29%

Ans. (c)

Which scheme was started in 1993 to create self-employment opportunities for educated unemployed youth in rural areas and small towns? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana
      2. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
      3. Rural Employment Generation Programme
      4. Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana

Ans. (a)

For how many days NREGA provides employment? [2011 (T-2)]

(a) 70 (b) 80 (c) 90 (d) 100

Ans. (d)

Which one of the social groups are vulnerable to poverty? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Scheduled caste (b) Urban casual labour

(c) Rural agricultural households (d) All the above

Ans. (d)

    1. By which year governments are aiming to meet the Milennium Development Goals including halving the rate of global poverty? [2011 (T-2)] (a) 2011 (b) 2015 (c) 2045 (d) 2035

Ans. (b)

Which one is not the major causes of income inequality in India? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Unequal distribution of land (b) Lack of fertile land

(c) Gap between rich and the poor (d) Increase in population

Ans. (b)

In which of the following countries did poverty actually rise from 1981 to 2001?

[2011 (T-2)]

      1. Sub-Saharan Africa (b) India

(c) China (d) Russia

The calorie requirement is higher in the rural areas because : [2011 (T-2)]

      1. they do not enjoy as much as people in the urban areas.
      2. food items are expensive.
      3. they are engaged in mental work.
      4. people are engaged in physical labour.

Ans. (d)

Which of the following is an indicator of poverty in India? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Income level (b) Illiteracy level

(c) Employment level (d) All of these

Ans. (d)

Which of the following is not a valid reason for the poverty alleviation programme in India? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Lack of proper implementation (b) Lack of right targeting

(c) Corruption at the highest level (d) Overlapping of schemes

Ans. (c)

Which industry suffered the most during colonial period? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Jute (b) Textile

(c) Indigo (d) All the above

Ans. (a)

Poverty ratio in which of the following states is above the national average?

[2011 (T-2)]

      1. West Bengal (b) Tamil Nadu

(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka

Ans. (a)

Which of the following is not considered a social indicator of poverty? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Less number of means of transport (b) Illiteracy level

(c) Lack of access to health care (d) Lack of job opportunities

Ans. (a)

Full form of NFWP is : [2011 (T-2)]

      1. National Federation for Work and Progress (b) National Forest for Wildlife Protection

(c) National Food and Wheat Processing (d) National Food for Work Programme

Ans. (d)

Which country of South-East Asia made rapid economic growth resulting in a significant decline in poverty? [2011 (T-2)]

      1. India (b) China (c) Nepal (d) Pakistan

Ans. (b)

In which part of the world poverty has remained the same during 1981 to 2001?

[2011 (T-2)]

      1. South Asia (b) Sub-Saharan Asia

(c) China (d) Latin America

Ans. (d)

Which of the following states has the poverty ratio below the national average?

[2011 (T-2)]

      1. West Bengal (b) Uttar Pradesh (c) Assam (d) Maharashtra

Ans. (d)

The current anti-poverty programme consists of two planks. They are: [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Socio-economic reasons and public distribution system.
      2. Promotion of economic growth and targeted anti-poverty programme.
      3. Anti-poverty programme and public distribution system.
      4. None of the above.

Ans. (b)

According to World Bank, poverty is measured by: [2011 (T-2)]

      1. People living below Rs. 100 per day (b) People living below 1$ per day

(c) People living below Rs. 550 per month (d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

Kerala has tried to control poverty by: [2011 (T-2)]

      1. Investing in human resource (b) Investing in medical science

(c) Investing in infrastructure (d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

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